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What is Laser Hair Removal?

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It’s fair to say that shaving your legs, underarms or bikini area on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis can feel like a chore. But the good news is that women and men do not have to deal with hot wax or sharp razors to get rid of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal provides an effective way of removing hair without the risk of cuts or burns. So, it is no surprise that more and more people are opting for this treatment. In this guide, we will explain what laser hair removal is, what happens during the procedure, as well as the results and potential side effects.

So, What is Laser Hair Removal?

As the name suggests, it is a non-invasive medical procedure that involves the use of concentrated light beams to remove hair from areas, such as the face, underarms, bikini area, back and legs.

During hair removal, a laser sends out a light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. This light energy turns into heat, which damages the hair follicles and inhibits or delays future hair growth. Generally, laser hair removal does not result in permanent hair removal. That is why maintenance treatments are usually provided.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Although laser hair removal is usually safe for most people, it can be dangerous if the procedure is not performed by an experienced healthcare professional. In such cases, you may experience changes to your skin colour, as well as burns and scars. However, having your treatment performed by a qualified and knowledgeable professional significantly reduces this risk.

Why Do People Choose This Treatment?

For many people, laser hair removal is more convenient and less time-consuming than waxing, shaving, plucking or even threading. It allows you to reduce unwanted hair and achieve your desired look without having to deal with burns or cuts.

Who Can Have This Treatment?

Your skin type and hair colour can influence the success of the treatment. Since dark hair has more pigment, it usually absorbs more light. Not to mention, this treatment is particularly effective if there is a contrast between hair and skin colour, making those with dark hair and light skin ideal candidates. 

While the risk of skin damage is greater if there is little contrast between your hair and skin colour, laser technology is constantly advancing. That is why it is a good idea to speak to a medical professional about the options they offer for people with darker skin or lighter hair.

However, it is worth noting that laser hair removal is not recommended if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have raised scars
  • Have or previously had skin cancer
  • Have been prescribed certain medications, such as acne treatments
  • Are prone to cold sores
  • Have genital herpes

The Benefits

Here are some of the reasons why laser hair removal has become a popular alternative to shaving and waxing.

1. It’s Precise

The lasers are designed to target hairs in specific areas without damaging the surrounding skin. This allows for precise and burn-free hair removal.

2. It’s Quick

Of course, one of the main benefits of this treatment is that it is quick. It only takes a fraction of a second to treat hairs, which means sessions can be completed in just a few minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. 

For example, if you are looking to get rid of the hair on your upper lip, sessions can be completed in less than a minute. Removing hairs from large areas like the back or legs, on the other hand, can take up to an hour.

3. It’s Less Painful

Compared to other hair removal methods, this procedure is relatively painless. While some people may experience slight discomfort, sessions are pretty quick, making it easy for most people to endure.

4. It Reduces Ingrown Hairs

As this procedure destroys the root of the hair, there is no need to worry about hair curling back into the skin and becoming ingrown.

Are There Any Risks?

As with any other treatment, there is a risk of side effects when undergoing laser hair removal treatments. The most common side effects include:

  • Pigment changes – This treatment can permanently or temporarily lighten or darken the affected skin. Generally, skin lightening affects those with darker skin, as well as those who do not avoid sun exposure before or after treatment
  • Skin irritation – You may experience temporary swelling, redness and discomfort after laser hair removal. Though symptoms normally disappear within a few hours

In rare cases, this treatment can cause:

  • Blistering
  • Crusting
  • Scarring
  • Hair greying
  • Excessive hair growth

It is important to keep in mind that this method of hair removal is not recommended for areas around the eyes, such as the eyelids and eyebrows. After all, there is a potential risk of injuring the eyes.

The Appointment

To see lasting results, between 2 – 6 treatments are required. The interval between treatments will vary depending on how quickly the hair grows back in the area being treated. For example, treatments on the upper lip may be repeated every 4 – 8 weeks. Whereas, treatments on the back may be repeated every 12 – 16 weeks.

During The Procedure

To protect your eyes from the laser beam, you will need to wear special goggles during the treatment. The doctor will press a laser on your skin. In some cases, the laser may have a cool gel or a cooling device on the tip of the instrument to protect your skin and reduce any discomfort.

Once the laser is activated, the heat from the beam will pass through your skin and damage the hair follicles, which inhibits hair growth. You may experience slight discomfort that feels like a warm pinprick.

After The Procedure

Some people experience redness and swelling for a few hours after the treatment. To help with any discomfort, it is a good idea to apply a cold compress to the treated area. If you have a skin reaction immediately after the treatment, your doctor may apply a steroid cream to treat the affected area.

After your appointment and during the intervals between treatments, it is advisable to avoid exposing the area to direct sunlight for six weeks. It is also wise to apply sunscreen to the treated area every day.


It is important to note that hairs do not fall out overnight. In fact, it can take a few days or even weeks for the hair to shed. Naturally, hair growth and loss occur in a cycle, so repeated treatments are necessary to target hair follicles in the new-growth stage.

For some people, laser hair removal lasts for a few months; for others, the results last for years. But when hair starts to grow back it is usually lighter and finer.

Visit Our Technologically-Advanced Clinic

Now that you know what laser hair removal is, get in touch with our highly trained medical practitioners to find out about our medical-grade laser hair removal technology. 

For a limited time only, you can get 50% off our laser hair removal and other aesthetic treatments. Book your free consultation with our expert aesthetics team today.


Before the laser is applied to the skin, your doctor will cleanse the area to be treated. Your doctor may also apply a numbing gel if the skin is very sensitive. Your doctor will then hold the skin taut and treat it with the laser.

After your appointment, it is important to:

  • Avoid using tanning equipment, such as tanning beds or sun lamps
  • Prevent the sun from hitting the treated area
  • Follow your doctor’s after-care instructions
  • Apply ice to help reduce discomfort

No. In most cases, people can immediately return to their everyday activities.

Depending on your skin type and the colour and thickness of your hair, the results may vary. After the first session, you can usually expect a 10% – 25% reduction in hair. It can take up to 6 sessions to remove the hair completely.

The results of laser hair removal can last for several months or even years.

The most common side effects include redness, swelling and discomfort. Some patients may also experience blistering and hair greying.

Usually, it is safe for patients to have laser hair removal once every 4 – 6 weeks. However, it is advisable to speak to your doctor about when it is best to have another treatment to maintain the results.

When carried out by medical professionals, laser treatments for hair removal are relatively safe. It is important to make sure that your aesthetic practitioner is experienced in laser safety and has informed you about the potential side effects and risks. Plus, advancements in laser technology mean that it is possible to treat patients with light hair, as well as those with darker skin

Inhibiting hair growth usually requires a series of laser treatments, especially if there is no contrast between your hair and skin colour.

No. To keep the area hair-free, you will need to have regular maintenance treatments.
