Tuberculosis (BCG inc Mantoux Test)

Home > Vaccinations and Immunisations > Travel Vaccinations > Tuberculosis (BCG inc Mantoux Test)

When travelling abroad, BCG vaccination is recommended for anyone over the age of 16 who has not previously been vaccinated and is planning to spend a prolonged period of time in an area where risk of exposure or treatment-resistant strains are high. This includes areas of sub-Saharan Africa, south and southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central America and the Caribbean.

To determine whether a BCG vaccine is needed, you must first have a Mantoux test. This to see whether you are already infected or have an active form of the disease. It works by injecting a live version of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) into the skin to test your sensitivity. The stronger the reaction, the greater the likelihood that a person has an active form of the disease and therefore should not have the vaccine as it will be ineffective.
A strong reaction to the Mantoux test may require referral to for specialist TB treatment.

The vaccine is taken in 2 doses, 1-6 weeks apart. It is important the second dose is taken before you travel.


Mantoux Test


*Price per dose. Vaccination Appointment Fee is not included in the price

BCG Vaccine


*Price per dose. Vaccination Appointment Fee is not included in the price

Vaccination Appointment Fee


(£45 Single vaccine - £70 Up to 3 vaccines)

We have translators available for your appointment.

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